Transport companies “ALPI BALTIKA”

The company of transportation and logistic services “ALPI Baltika” started activity in Lithuania since 2006. One of the most important specializations is local and international transportation of cargoes using continental, maritime and air transport. You can get multi-modal transportation, cargo insurance, warehousing, customs office services as well.

Continental transportation

The company “ALPI Baltika” realizes carrying of cargoes and assures group control. We can accomplish any order in time and your cargo will reach the place of destination.

  • Partial cargoes transportation. Partly cargoes are usually smaller than space in a truck. One of the main activities of “ALPI Baltika” is selection of partial cargoes from 50 kg using special systems.
  • Full cargoes transportation. You will get all the help you need filling documents and choosing equipment if you order this type of transportation.

Maritime transportation

Our companies group transports thousands of cargoes through sea every year. We have made contracts with our transporters in whole World. Despite the fact that our company has no own ship, strong connections with reliable sea lines allow us to assure every step of sea transportation. We work together with many customs offices in the World and manage documents when you need to cross borders.

Air transportation

Applying advanced logistic solutions in practice, the company transports thousands of cargoes with planes every year. We can offer two different types of air transportation:

  • Priority. Our specialists offer you help if you need your cargo to be transported fast. This service includes fast cargo loading and directed flights to exact place of destination and cost more than usual carrying of goods.
  • Usual and direct transportation This mode takes more time than priority but costs less. Our company assures reliable transportation of cargoes.

Multi-modal transportation

If you search for the most economic transportation solutions, you should choose multi-modal transportation which we can offer. This type of carrying is combined using continental, maritime and air routes. Qualified specialists will help you to find the best route and logistic solutions which will be the most suitable for your business.